12061 Tevere Drive
Boynton Beach, FL 33437


1st Place Prize
Mixed Media
American Orchid Society)

blood banana tree pod


Photo Drawings
from Costa Rica

ginger flower arrangement


Large Print Inventory Overstock Sale


table setting - chicken salad tile

"Table Setting"
Art Tile

bird of paradise on a tile

Bird of Paradise #3 Art Tile

coaster tiles
& much more

NTI Happenings - Issue 4 - April/May 2004
Click here for ISSUE #1, ISSUE #2, ISSUE #3
See PICTURE TO PONDER our Current Newsletter
Photograph of Sam and Sheila Finkelstein
Greetings from
Sam and Sheila Finkelstein
It's been quite some time since we've published an issue of NTI Happenings. Life has been full for us, as I'm sure it has been for you. With Mother's Day coming up and so much going on with Nature's Playground, it seemed like a good time to check in with you.

Since our last issue we've made some changes on naturesplayground.com to make it easier for you to find images and information. Probably the biggest change has been adding a SITE MAP. I'd recommend your periodically checking out this link. It is where we will keep you updated on new work as it's uploaded to the site.

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red bromeliad flower
People continue to tell us that they find surfing naturesplayground.com energizing and refreshing, that they often spend 5 or 10 minutes whenever they need a time-out at work. Renee Kleckner recently wrote, "Sheila, love the tiles! When I need to meditate, or spend some quiet time, I look at your tiles."

TILES are the items that have been most popular at the recent outdoor shows we did with the Delray Art League. We've been so happy with the products produced at Cafe Press that we put up a variety of new HORSES photo/drawings there, prior to putting them on the site.
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For those of you who are new to NATURE'S INTERPRETATIONS, we have been asking a question in each issue. To check out past questions and stories, see our NEWSLETTER links at the top of this page.

Once again, this issue's question again results from personal experience. The piece of my life that I am most present to these past few weeks is how empowering my walks at Wakodahatchee Wetlands are for me.

Where do you go, either in your mind or in person, to restore yourself? What is it there that empowers you?

Wakodahatchee purple gallinale in fireflag

Purple Gallinale in Fireflag
Wakodahatchee Preserves sunset

Wako Reflected Sunset
alligator in Wakodahatchee preserves

Alligator - Photo/Drawing

I am most fortunate to live 5 minutes away from an area that has a boardwalk through lush vegetation, over very shallow water! The variety of the vegetation throughout the varying habitats and the abundance of birds ongoingly provides opportunities for new discoveries.

The water is both energizing and healing (if I'm in a funk). When my mother was dying, the one thing that saved me was staying in a motel room that overlooked the ocean. The opportunity to be with that body of water is what preserved my sanity. So, again, Where do you go, either in your mind or in person, to restore yourself? What is it there that empowers you?

If you would like to share your special place in photos and/or writing, for a page of Readers' Stories, please e-mail Sheila.

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1. GIFT CERTIFICATES - For the person you know who would love Nature's Playground images and you'd like them to make the choices. AND for YOU to suggest to a special someone who does not know what to GIVE YOU.

2. PRODUCT SAMPLES - Based on customer feedback you can now see how our finished products look. See pictures of our note cards, plaques, tiles, mugs and tote bags.

3. LARGE PRINT INVENTORY CLOSEOUT SALE - 16"-18" X 24" in-stock, only, prints on sale for $40, rolled in tubes. Price includes shipping; $125, mounted on Plaques.

from Costa Rica.

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UPCOMING in Future Issues. Watch the SITE MAP:

Photos and Drawings from Fairchild Tropical Botanical Garden in Miami

Photos and Drawings from Flamingo Gardens in Davie Florida

*****Nature Tour teleclasses through our newly registered site, eteletours.com. Please write Sheila if you want advance notice, for early registration, or more information!!*****

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Please write and give us feedback on this issue so that we can deliver something of value to you in in our next issue. If you have found this one interesting, please send the URL on to your special friends. If you have received this from a friend and would like to be on our mailing list for future newsletter mailings, please go to any of our pages on www.naturesplayground.com and use the SUBSCRIBE button.

This list will not be sold or passed on to anyone else. It is will be used solely in the realm of Art and Nature and to keep you informed of new happenings and periodic "special offers."

If you would prefer to be removed from our list and not receive any future mailings, please send an e-mail with Unsubscribe, in the subject heading

We appreciate your sharing in this newsletter with us and look forward to your feedback.

Sheila and Sam Finkelstein

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© 2004 Nature's Treasures Interpreted
Written permission required for reprinting or for use of images.
Sheila - 561-752-8339